About us
Pangea exists because Europe needs
a large-scale elephant sanctuary.
Over 50 elephants are still held captive in circuses across Europe, even though 85% of EU states have banned their use in travelling entertainment. Zoos are growing more concerned about the welfare of their resident elephants, but sending them to another zoo is their only rehoming option, and governments can’t enforce welfare legislation without a suitable facility to send confiscations.
We offer a compassionate solution to Europe’s zoos, circuses, and governments seeking a lifelong home for elephants in need.
Pangea is an independent charity registered in the UK and Portugal with a proxy in the US.
Our sanctuary in Portugal is modelled on large-scale facilities in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and our management approach is endorsed by leading captive elephant experts and wild elephant biologists. Native wildlife is encouraged to thrive in 1000 acres of diverse habitat, and elephants can roam, forage, and socialise as they please whilst also receiving expert, individualised care.
Learn about our work here.
We’re preparing to welcome elephants to Pangea in 2025.
We’re making good progress:
2020-21: In-depth feasibility study, Europe-wide property search. Signed 5-year support agreement with Members.
2022: Portugal property search. Local and national consultations. Shortlisted properties evaluated and an offer put forward.
2023: Secured in-principle government support. Acquired the land thanks to a philanthropic loan underwritten by our Members.
2024: Planning and design of site, and licencing applications in progress. Capital fundraising appeal begins.
2025: If we can raise the funds needed to complete the first phase of development, could this be the year we welcome the first elephants to Pangea?
Please join us on our journey, and find out how you can help here.
Provide a safe haven for elephants in need
Help us create Europe's first large-scale sanctuary, where elephants can roam freely in an expansive, natural habitat, surrounded by their own kind.